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% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  %% Modern TeX engines don't need this. Uncomment if necessary.
%%%% Font specifications. Please see the Wiki page 'LaTeX Font Alternatives'.
%\usepackage{mathptmx, helvet}

%\usepackage[swedish]{babel}  %% aktivera om rapporten är på svenska

\addbibresource{mybib.bib}  %%  Comment if you don't want to have a bibliography

% See also the Wiki page 'LaTex files for large documents'. 

\author{John Student}
\title{A very Important Contribution\\ to the Theory}
\subtitle{The First Attempt}   % Optional
\type{Licentiate Thesis}       % The default is 'MSc Thesis', so you will want to set this
\TFRT{9999}                    %%  You will get the number from the department.
\ISBNprint{long number}        % The ISBN number for a printed publication (only for PhD theses)
\ISBNweb{long number}          % The ISBN number for web publication (only for PhD theses)
\printer{Media-Tryck}          %% Probably. You may get other information from the department.
\dedication{To my mother}      % Optional.
\extrainfo{Extra information}  % Optional. Will be placed on the second page,
                               % above the thesis type and number 

A condensed description of my work.

These people helped me a lot with my work.


This is a description of my work.
\section{First Principles}
In this section we describe the first principles. They are based on \cite{ast_wit2011}.

\printbibliography  %% Comment if you don't want to use bibtex


\documentclass{LTHreport}      % options [chapter]
                               % For other options, see LTHthesis
% see the wiki page 'Latex font alternatives' 
\begin{titlepages}             % see LTHthesis




%% [problemsonly]                  % Gives problems only
%% [solutionsonly]                 % Gives solutions only
%% [svenska]                       % Sidhuvud på svenska (default)
%% [english]                       % Header in English
%% [oneside]                       % For one-sided printing (default)
%% [twoside]                       % For two-sided printing

  \titel{Reglerteknik AK, FRTF05}
  \datum{Tentamen 13 januari 2022, 14:00--19:00}
  \runninghead{Reglerteknik AK 2022-01-13}
  \subsection{Poängberäkning och betygssättning}
Lösningar och svar till alla uppgifter skall vara klart motiverade. Tentamen
omfattar totalt 25 poäng. Poängberäkningen finns markerad vid varje uppgift.
\item[3] lägst 12 poäng
\item[4] lägst 17 poäng
\item[5] lägst 22 poäng

\subsection{Tillåtna hjälpmedel}
Matematiska tabeller (TEFYMA eller motsvarande), formelsamling i reglerteknik samt icke förprogrammerade räknare.
Resultatet meddelas via LADOK.
  Lycka till!


  Här kan man skriva allmän text före problemen.

   Här kan man skriva allmän text före lösningarna

\begin{problems}   % Beginning of the problems and solutions part

\begin{problem}    % Use problem* if there is no introductory text
 Some introductory text 
\subproblem First subproblem \points{1}
\subproblem Second subproblem \points{1}

\begin{solution*}   % Use solution* if there is no text before the first subsolution
\subproblem First subsolution
\subproblem Second subsolution





\end{problems}  % End of the problems and solutions part



\documentclass[]{brev}      % options [brevhuvud] [letterhead]
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}  %% Comment if you are not using utf8

%\date{}    % Om inte standarddatum duger
%\email{}   % E-mail. "@control.lth.se" is added automatically.
%\phone{}   % Phone number. Default: 222 00 00
%\dokumentnamn{ANSÖKAN} % The document name is printed on top of the page,
                        %   above date.
%\diarienummer{234}     % Diarium number. We usually don't use it but
                        %   it's here for completeness' sake.


\subject{  }            % Subject here.
