#acl Known:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read = Templates = === LTHthesis === {{{ \documentclass{LTHthesis} % \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %% Modern TeX engines don't need this. Uncomment if necessary. %%%% Font specifications. Please see the Wiki page 'LaTeX Font Alternatives'. %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\usepackage{mathptmx, helvet} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\usepackage[swedish]{babel} %% aktivera om rapporten är på svenska \addbibresource{mybib.bib} %% Comment if you don't want to have a bibliography \begin{document} % % See also the Wiki page 'LaTex files for large documents'. % \begin{titlepages} \author{John Student} \title{A very Important Contribution\\ to the Theory} \subtitle{The First Attempt} % Optional \year{2099} \type{Licentiate Thesis} % The default is 'MSc Thesis', so you will want to set this \TFRT{9999} %% You will get the number from the department. \ISBNprint{long number} % The ISBN number for a printed publication (only for PhD theses) \ISBNweb{long number} % The ISBN number for web publication (only for PhD theses) \printer{Media-Tryck} %% Probably. You may get other information from the department. \dedication{To my mother} % Optional. \extrainfo{Extra information} % Optional. Will be placed on the second page, % above the thesis type and number \end{titlepages} \chapter*{Abstract} A condensed description of my work. \chapter*{Acknowledgements} These people helped me a lot with my work. \tableofcontents \chapter{Introduction} This is a description of my work. \chapter{Background} \section{First Principles} In this section we describe the first principles. They are based on \cite{ast_wit2011}. \printbibliography %% Comment if you don't want to use bibtex \end{document} }}} === LTHreport === {{{ \documentclass{LTHreport} % options [chapter] % For other options, see LTHthesis % see the wiki page 'Latex font alternatives' \begin{document} \begin{titlepages} % see LTHthesis \end{titlepages} \end{document} }}} === tentamen === {{{ \documentclass{tentamen} %% [problemsonly] % Gives problems only %% [solutionsonly] % Gives solutions only %% [svenska] % Sidhuvud på svenska (default) %% [english] % Header in English %% [oneside] % For one-sided printing (default) %% [twoside] % For two-sided printing \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \titel{Reglerteknik AK, FRTF05} \datum{Tentamen 13 januari 2022, 14:00--19:00} \runninghead{Reglerteknik AK 2022-01-13} \subsection{Poängberäkning och betygssättning} Lösningar och svar till alla uppgifter skall vara klart motiverade. Tentamen omfattar totalt 25 poäng. Poängberäkningen finns markerad vid varje uppgift. \begin{betyg} \item[3] lägst 12 poäng \item[4] lägst 17 poäng \item[5] lägst 22 poäng \end{betyg} \subsection{Tillåtna hjälpmedel} Matematiska tabeller (TEFYMA eller motsvarande), formelsamling i reglerteknik samt icke förprogrammerade räknare. \subsection{Tentamensresultat} Resultatet meddelas via LADOK. \vfill \begin{center} Lycka till! \end{center} \end{titlepage} \begin{problemtext} Här kan man skriva allmän text före problemen. \end{problemtext} \begin{solutiontext} Här kan man skriva allmän text före lösningarna \end{solutiontext} \begin{problems} % Beginning of the problems and solutions part \begin{problem} % Use problem* if there is no introductory text Some introductory text \subproblem First subproblem \points{1} \subproblem Second subproblem \points{1} \end{problem} \begin{solution*} % Use solution* if there is no text before the first subsolution \subproblem First subsolution \subproblem Second subsolution \end{solution*} \begin{problem} \end{problem} \begin{solution} \end{solution} \end{problems} % End of the problems and solutions part \end{document} }}} === brev === {{{ \documentclass[]{brev} % options [brevhuvud] [letterhead] \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %% Comment if you are not using utf8 %\date{} % Om inte standarddatum duger %\email{} % E-mail. "@control.lth.se" is added automatically. %\phone{} % Phone number. Default: 222 00 00 %\dokumentnamn{ANSÖKAN} % The document name is printed on top of the page, % above date. %\diarienummer{234} % Diarium number. We usually don't use it but % it's here for completeness' sake. \begin{document} \begin{address} \end{address} \subject{ } % Subject here. \begin{closing} \end{closing} %\cc{} \end{document} }}}