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Attachment 'spikblad.txt'


   1 \documentclass[final,12pt]{pm}
   2 \usepackage{schoolbook}
   3 \usepackage{frutiger}
   4 \usepackage{epsfig}
   5 \pagestyle{empty}
   6 \parindent=0pt
   9 \begin{document}
  10 %--------------------------------------------------------
  11 \vspace*{5mm}
  12 \begin{center}
  13   \sffamily \Huge
  14   Modeling and Control of a \\Difficult Process\\[20mm]
  15   \Large
  16   Pelle Persson\\
  17   \rmfamily\normalsize
  18   Tekn. lic.
  19 \end{center}
  20 \vfill
  21 \begin{center}
  22   \includegraphics[width=30mm]{/regler/texmf-new/logotypes/LU2bweng.eps}
  23 \end{center}
  24 \vfill
  25 Akademisk avhandling som för avläggande av teknisk doktors\-examen
  26 vid tekniska fakulteten vid Lunds universitetet kommer att
  27 \mbox{offentligen} försvaras i sal M:B, Maskinhuset, Lunds tekniska högskola,
  28 fredagen den 30 februari 1666 kl. 13.15.
  29 \par\bigskip
  30 Ph.D. thesis to be defended in public in room M:B,
  31 the M-building, Lund Institute of Technology,
  32 on Friday February 30, 1666, at 13:15
  34 \end{document}

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  • [get | view] (2010-06-29 13:41:35, 0.3 KB) [[attachment:paperhead.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2010-06-29 13:41:35, 0.4 KB) [[attachment:paperhead2.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2010-06-29 13:41:35, 0.9 KB) [[attachment:spikblad.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2010-06-29 13:41:35, 2.5 KB) [[attachment:tentamen.txt]]
  • [get | view] (2010-06-29 13:41:34, 2.2 KB) [[attachment:videoslides.txt]]
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