Latex at Automatic Control

Local extensions for LaTeX, not described in the book, are described here. Under "Miscellaneous templates", there are a couple of special documents and layouts. The following indications are used:

Select the text you want to use in your document and paste it with the mouse (the middle button).

Formats (classes)


Suitable for simpler documents on a few pages. The package {paperhead} is included automatically. Template


The standard format for internal reports, theses and similar. Template

  • For \chapter to be used, this option needs to be included. Section numbers, equation numbers etc. will be of the type 4.3 and similar.


  • Removes the date on the bottom of the page and moves the text away from stapling and binding.


  • Moves the text on the page and puts the page number where it fits for duplex printing.

Format for disserations according to our standards. Template

  • Removes all extra information in the form of date etc.


  • Moves the text to the middle of the paper and adds help lines for the printer.

Format for licenciate theses according to our standards. Template
There is also a more extensive template containing title pages.
The cover of the licentiate thesis is made from this Cover Template. It should be made into a separate pdf-file and sent to the printer.


  • Removes all extra information in the form of date etc.


  • Moves the text on the paper so the pdf-file will save in the right format.


Format for exams. You can enter both problems and solutions in the same file, and print each seperatly or individually depending on the options. For additional subcommands, see the example. Template


  • Meant for the final version. Removes help dates, etc.


  • Just prints the problems. This is the form in which exams are to be given.


  • Just prints the solutions.

This format is meant for magazine articles, coference contributions etc. It is not to be used alone but always together with an option that specifies which magazine or conference. Here are only a few options lusted, since they normally are only current a short time.The package {paperhead} is included automatically. Template


  • For conferences by IFAC


  • For conferences by IEEE

Format for letters with the address placed so it fits our window envelopes. For additional commands, see the example. Template

  • Gives a English language letter header and footer.


  • Gives a Swedish language letter header and footer. Also Swedish hyphenation in the letter.
\documentclass{oneslide} \documentclass{fourslides}

Format for slides. {oneslide} is used for the final version, whereas {fourslides} is used for the documentation, four small images on one side. Template

  • Gives landscape format, suitable for slides or video presentation.


  • Gives vertically centered pictures. The default is that all images begin at the top of the page.


  • Gives a larger font (default is 12pt)


  • Gives an even larger font


  • Each new image is defined within the setting {slide}


  • Is used for the first page and places a grey toned lion seal as the background and is definied within the setting {lionslide}. The page does not behave the same in oneslide as in fourslides. Contact Leif if you are experiencing problems.


  • Gives a centerd headline.


  • Gives a leftern headline.

The format for video presentations is shown in an example.