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location: Diff for "Computer/Latex/StdPack"
Differences between revisions 1 and 3 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2010-06-28 11:01:45
Size: 4813
Editor: helenamalin
Comment: Not yet fully translated
Revision 3 as of 2010-06-29 10:37:53
Size: 4116
Editor: helenamalin
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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'''array: An extension of {tabular}''' <<BR>> Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/array.pdf|array]] definierar extra faciliteter i {{{{tabular},}}} som till exempel att alla elementen i en viss kolumn har en viss typsnittsvariant eller liknande. '''array: An extension of {tabular}''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:array.pdf|array]] defines extra facilities in {{{{tabular},}}} for instance that all elements in a certain column have a certain font or similar.
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 color: Hantering av färger.:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/grfguide.pdf|color]] ger möjlighet att använda färger på text och bakgrund. Detta paket har gemensam dokumentation med {{{graphics}}} och {{{graphicx}}} nedan. Som en komplettering finns här [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/colornames.pdf|färgnamnen]]. '''color: Color-management.'''<<BR>> The package [[attachment:grfguide.pdf|color]] gives you the possibility to use colors on text and background. This package has a common documentation with {{{graphics}}} and {{{graphicx}}} below. Here are the [[attachment:colornames.pdf|colornames]].
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 dcolumn: Justera en kolumn i en tabell på decimalkomma(punkt):: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/dcolumn.pdf|dcolumn]] utvidgar {{{{tabular}}}} så att man kan justera en kolumn på exemelvis ett decimalkomma eller liknande. '''dcolumn: Configure a column in a table with decimal sign (dot)''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:dcolumn.pdf|dcolumn]] extends {{{{tabular}}}} so that you can configure a column with eg a decimal sign or similar.
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 delarray: Avancerade matrisparenteser:: Se paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/delarray.pdf|delarray]] '''delarray: Advanced matrix brackets''' <<BR>> See the package [[attachment:delarray.pdf|delarray]]
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 enumerate: En utvidgning av {enumerate}:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/enumerate.pdf|enumerate]] ger möjlighet att styra hur räknaren i {{{{enumerate}}}} presenteras. '''enumerate: An extension of {enumerate}''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:enumerate.pdf|enumerate]] lets you control how the counter in {{{{enumerate}}}} is presented.
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 ftnright: Fotnoter i dubbelkolumnformat:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/ftnright.pdf|ftnright]]  placerar fotnoter i dubbelkolumnformat under högra kolumnen på varje sida. '''ftnright: Footnotes in double column format''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:ftnright.pdf|ftnright]] places footnotes in double colum format under the right column on each page.
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 graphics, graphicx: Insättning av bilder genererade i andra program:: Paketen [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/grfguide.pdf|graphics]] resp [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/grfguide.pdf|graphicx]] möjliggör insättning av bilder i postscriptformat genererade externt. De båda paketen har gemensam dokumentation, där även {{{color}}} ingår. '''graphics, graphicx: Insertion of images generated in other programs''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:grfguide.pdf|graphics]] and [[attachment:grfguide.pdf|graphicx]] enables insertion of images in postscript-format generated externally. Both packages have a common documentation, in which {{{color}}} also is included.
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 hhline: Linjer i tabeller:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/hhline.pdf|hhline]] ger möjlighet till mera avancerade horisontella linjer i tabeller. '''hhline: Lines in tables''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:hhline.pdf|hhline]] enables more advanced horizontal lides in tables.
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 longtable: Tabeller över flera sidor:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/longtable.pdf|longtable]] hanterar tabeller som sträcker sig över flera sidor. Se även {{{afterpage}}} ovan. '''longtable: Tables on several pages''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:longtable.pdf|longtable]] handles tables that are several pages long. See also {{{afterpage}}} above.
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 multicol: Avancerat flerkolumnsformat:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/multicol.pdf|multicol]] ger avancerad flerkolumnshantering med växling mellan olika kolumnantal på samma sida. '''multicol: Advanced multiple-column format''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:multicol.pdf|multicol]] enables advanced multiple column management with switching between different column numbers on the same page.
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  showkeys: Visa \label i marginalen :: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/showkeys.pdf|showkeys]] gör att namnen på alla {{{\label}}} skrivs ut i marginalen. Detta paket måste naturligtvis tas bort vid utskriften av slutversionen. '''showkeys: Show \label in the margin''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:showkeys.pdf|showkeys]] prints all {{{\label}}} in the margin. This package must of course be removed when printing the final version.
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 tabularx: Tabell med önskad totalbredd:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/tabularx.pdf|tabularx]] ger möjlighet att göra en tabell med önskad totalbredd där man kan föreskriva vilka kolumner som skall ta upp breddvariationen. '''tabularx: Tables with custom total width''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:tabularx.pdf|tabularx]] enables tables with a specific total width where you can configure what columns shall take up the width variation.
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 varioref: Avancerade sidreferenser inom dokumentet:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/varioref.pdf|varioref]] ger automatiska sidreferenser i dokumentet av typen 'på denna sida', 'på motstående sida', 'på sid 15', beroende på var i dokumentet referensen resp målet finns. '''varioref: Advanced page references within the document''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:varioref.pdf|varioref]] enables automatic page references in the document of the type 'on this page', 'on opposite page', 'on page 15', depending on where in the document the reference and target is.
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 verbatim: Att läsa in hela filer i verbatim-mod:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/verbatim.pdf|verbatim]] definierar ett kommando {{{\verbatiminput}}}, som läser in en hel fil i verbatim-mod. Det definierar också en omgivning {{{{comment}}}} som kommenterar ut en del av dokumentet. '''verbatim: Reading whole files in verbatim-mod''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:verbatim.pdf|verbatim]] defines a command {{{\verbatiminput}}}, which reads a whole file in verbatim-mod. This also defines an environment {{{{comment}}}} which comments parts of the document.
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 xr: Referenser från ett dokument till ett annat:: Paketet [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/xr.pdf|xr]] möjliggör automatiska referenser till ekvationer, sidummer etc. mellan t eller flera dokument. '''xr: References from one document to another''' <<BR>> The package [[attachment:xr.pdf|xr]] enables automatic references to equations, page numbers etc. between two or more documents.
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Följande paket ingår också i standarddistributionen, men jag bedömer att de är av mindre intresse för Reglerteknik. The following packages are also included in the standard distributioon, but regarded as less important for Automatic Control.
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[[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/fontsmpl.dvi|fontsmpl]], [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/indentfirst.dvi|indentfirst]], [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/layout.dvi|layout]], [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/rawfonts.dvi|rawfonts]], [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/somedefs.dvi|somedefs]], [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/theorem.dvi|theorem]] [[attachment:fontsmpl.dvi|fontsmpl]], [[attachment:indentfirst.dvi|indentfirst]], [[attachment:layout.dvi|layout]], [[attachment:rawfonts.dvi|rawfonts]], [[attachment:somedefs.dvi|somedefs]], [[attachment:theorem.dvi|theorem]]

LaTeX standard packages

These are packages included in the default LaTeX2e-distribution. They are described in alphabetical order.

afterpage: Performs command when current page is printed
The package afterpage defines a command which is executed when the current page is printed. Good for controlling when diagrams are printed and potentially with longtable.

array: An extension of {tabular}
The package array defines extra facilities in {tabular}, for instance that all elements in a certain column have a certain font or similar.

color: Color-management.
The package color gives you the possibility to use colors on text and background. This package has a common documentation with graphics and graphicx below. Here are the colornames.

dcolumn: Configure a column in a table with decimal sign (dot)
The package dcolumn extends {tabular} so that you can configure a column with eg a decimal sign or similar.

delarray: Advanced matrix brackets
See the package delarray

enumerate: An extension of {enumerate}
The package enumerate lets you control how the counter in {enumerate} is presented.

ftnright: Footnotes in double column format
The package ftnright places footnotes in double colum format under the right column on each page.

graphics, graphicx: Insertion of images generated in other programs
The package graphics and graphicx enables insertion of images in postscript-format generated externally. Both packages have a common documentation, in which color also is included.

hhline: Lines in tables
The package hhline enables more advanced horizontal lides in tables.

longtable: Tables on several pages
The package longtable handles tables that are several pages long. See also afterpage above.

multicol: Advanced multiple-column format
The package multicol enables advanced multiple column management with switching between different column numbers on the same page.

showkeys: Show \label in the margin
The package showkeys prints all \label in the margin. This package must of course be removed when printing the final version.

tabularx: Tables with custom total width
The package tabularx enables tables with a specific total width where you can configure what columns shall take up the width variation.

varioref: Advanced page references within the document
The package varioref enables automatic page references in the document of the type 'on this page', 'on opposite page', 'on page 15', depending on where in the document the reference and target is.

verbatim: Reading whole files in verbatim-mod
The package verbatim defines a command \verbatiminput, which reads a whole file in verbatim-mod. This also defines an environment {comment} which comments parts of the document.

xr: References from one document to another
The package xr enables automatic references to equations, page numbers etc. between two or more documents.

The following packages are also included in the standard distributioon, but regarded as less important for Automatic Control.

fontsmpl, indentfirst, layout, rawfonts, somedefs, theorem

Computer/Latex/StdPack (last edited 2018-02-17 16:37:26 by leif)