## page was renamed from computerLatexStdPack #acl Known:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read ##Ask Leif if you don't know what the acl line means = LaTeX standard packages = These are packages included in the default La``Te``X2e-distribution. They are described in alphabetical order. ---- '''afterpage: Performs command when current page is printed''' <
> The package [[attachment:afterpage.pdf|afterpage|&do=get]] defines a command which is executed when the current page is printed. Good for controlling when diagrams are printed and potentially with {{{longtable}}}. '''array: An extension of {tabular}''' <
> The package [[attachment:array.pdf|array|&do=get]] defines extra facilities in {{{{tabular},}}} for instance that all elements in a certain column have a certain font or similar. '''color: Color-management.'''<
> The package [[attachment:grfguide.pdf|color|&do=get]] gives you the possibility to use colors on text and background. This package has a common documentation with {{{graphics}}} and {{{graphicx}}} below. Here are the [[attachment:colornames.pdf|colornames|&do=get]]. '''dcolumn: Configure a column in a table with decimal sign (dot)''' <
> The package [[attachment:dcolumn.pdf|dcolumn|&do=get]] extends {{{{tabular}}}} so that you can configure a column with e.g. alignment on a decimal sign or similar. '''delarray: Advanced matrix brackets''' <
> See the package [[attachment:delarray.pdf|delarray|&do=get]] '''enumerate: An extension of {enumerate}''' <
> The package [[attachment:enumerate.pdf|enumerate|&do=get]] lets you control how the counter in {{{{enumerate}}}} is presented. '''ftnright: Footnotes in double column format''' <
> The package [[attachment:ftnright.pdf|ftnright|&do=get]] places footnotes in double colum format under the right column on each page. '''graphics, graphicx: Insertion of images generated in other programs''' <
> The package [[attachment:grfguide.pdf|graphics|&do=get]] and [[attachment:grfguide.pdf|graphicx|&do=get]] enables insertion of images in postscript-format generated externally. Both packages have a common documentation, in which {{{color}}} also is included. '''hhline: Lines in tables''' <
> The package [[attachment:hhline.pdf|hhline|&do=get]] enables more advanced horizontal lides in tables. '''longtable: Tables on several pages''' <
> The package [[attachment:longtable.pdf|longtable|&do=get]] handles tables that are several pages long. See also {{{afterpage}}} above. '''multicol: Advanced multiple-column format''' <
> The package [[attachment:multicol.pdf|multicol|&do=get]] enables advanced multiple column management with switching between different column numbers on the same page. '''showkeys: Show \label in the margin''' <
> The package [[attachment:showkeys.pdf|showkeys|&do=get]] prints all {{{\label}}} in the margin. This package must of course be removed when printing the final version. '''tabularx: Tables with custom total width''' <
> The package [[attachment:tabularx.pdf|tabularx|&do=get]] enables tables with a specific total width where you can configure what columns shall take up the width variation. '''varioref: Advanced page references within the document''' <
> The package [[attachment:varioref.pdf|varioref|&do=get]] enables automatic page references in the document of the type 'on this page', 'on opposite page', 'on page 15', depending on where in the document the reference and target is. '''verbatim: Reading whole files in verbatim-mod''' <
> The package [[attachment:verbatim.pdf|verbatim|&do=get]] defines a command {{{\verbatiminput}}}, which reads a whole file in verbatim-mod. This also defines an environment {{{{comment}}}} which comments parts of the document. '''xr: References from one document to another''' <
> The package [[attachment:xr.pdf|xr|&do=get]] enables automatic references to equations, page numbers etc. between two or more documents. The following packages are also included in the standard distributioon, but regarded as less important for Automatic Control. [[attachment:fontsmpl.dvi|fontsmpl]], [[attachment:indentfirst.dvi|indentfirst]], [[attachment:layout.dvi|layout]], [[attachment:rawfonts.dvi|rawfonts]], [[attachment:somedefs.dvi|somedefs]], [[attachment:theorem.dvi|theorem]]