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location: Diff for "seminars"
Differences between revisions 33 and 34
Revision 33 as of 2015-02-16 14:58:35
Size: 2282
Editor: evaw
Revision 34 as of 2015-02-16 15:53:37
Size: 2393
Editor: evaw
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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150303 Camilla Lekebjer (Datavetenskap) - presenterar HBTQ-nätverket för anställda på Lunds universitet

Seminars and Group Meetings

At Automatic Control


External Seminars


140905 Per Gustafsson (Chief Security Officer at Lund University, PhD-student at Working environment and Safety) - "Security at Lund University"

140912 Kajsa Widén (Head of gender equality and diversity issues at Lund University) - "Equality and diversity in academia"

150116 Fredrik Hedenus (Physical Resource Theory, Chalmers) - "To communicate research through media - what, why and how?"

150123 Liza Nydén (Ideon Meetings)

150205 Jill Carlberg Söderlund (Riksförbundet Attention) - "Vägar till jobb"

150303 Camilla Lekebjer (Datavetenskap) - presenterar HBTQ-nätverket för anställda på Lunds universitet


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  • Go to settings->calendars->main.calendar->Share this calendar

  • Add your own google account with "Make changes to events" permissions
  • Save!

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seminars (last edited 2022-09-16 08:52:40 by venkat)