#acl Known:write,read,delete,admin,revert All:read
= Seminars and Group Meetings =
=== At Automatic Control ===
* [[inspCoffee|Internal Friday Seminars]]
* [[http://www.control.lth.se/seminars/seminars.html|VĂ¥ra aktuella seminarier]] och [[http://www.control.lth.se/seminars/oldsems.html|gamla seminarier]]
* [[seminarInvitationRoutines|Routines for seminar invitations]]
=== At LCCC ===
* [[LCCCseminars|LCCC Seminars]]
* [[LCCCGroupMeetings|LCCC Group Meetings]]
=== External Seminars ===
* [[http://www.maths.lth.se/seminars/seminars-mat-inst.html|Matematik]]
* [[http://www.maths.lth.se/matstat/seminar/|Matematisk statistik]]
* [[http://www.iea.lth.se/~ielolof/seminars.html|IEA]]
* [[http://www.tts.lth.se/whatson/|TTS]]
= Calendar =
To enter new info to the calendar, use [[calendarCredentials|these]] credentials to login to [[http://calendar.google.com|calendar.google.com]]
You can also give your own account permissions to add event to our calendar, that way you don't have to log in/out everytime you want to add an event:
* Log in using the calendar-admin account
* Go to settings->calendars->main.calendar->Share this calendar
* Add your own google account with "Make changes to events" permissions
* Save!
You should now be able to add events to the calendar directly from
your own account.
You subscribe to the following public calendars:
(Calendar ID: calendar-admin@control.lth.se))>>