#acl Known:read,write,admin,revert All:read ##Ask Leif if you don't know what the acl line means = Internal Friday Seminars (usually 15.05–15.30) = The schedule was organized by [[mailto:max.nilsson@control.lth.se|Max Nilsson]]. The seminars are held in the Seminar Room M 3170-73 and available to view on zoom via [[https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/67821729950|meeting ID 67821729950]]. == Spring 2024 == || v. 2 ||2024-01-12|| Zheng Jia || || || v. 3 ||2024-01-19|| Marko Guberina || || || v. 4 ||2024-01-26|| Julian Salt || || || v. 5 ||2024-02-02|| Johan Grönqvist || || || v. 6 ||2024-02-09|| Luka Bakovic || || || v. 7 ||2024-02-16|| Lara Laban || || || v. 8 ||2024-02-23|| Julia Adlercreutz || [[attachment:Friday_seminar_2024_JA.pdf]] || || v. 9 ||2024-03-01|| David Ohlin || || || v. 10 ||2024-03-08|| '''ELLIIT Workshop''' || || || v. 11 ||2024-03-15|| Mark Jeeninga || || || v. 12 ||2024-03-22|| Jonas Hansson || || || v. 13 ||2024-03-29|| '''Good Friday''' || || || v. 14 ||2024-04-05|| Emil Vladu || || || v. 15 ||2024-04-12|| Dongjun Wu || [[attachment:Graph, Geometry, Optimal Control and Optimal Transport.pdf]] || || v. 16 ||2024-04-19|| Felix Agner || [[attachment:LLMexamsFridaySeminar.pdf]]|| || v. 17 ||2024-04-26|| '''ELLIIT Focus Period''' || || || v. 18 ||2024-05-03|| Anton Åkerman || || || v. 19 ||2024-05-10|| '''Squeeze Day''' || || || v. 20 ||2024-05-17|| Yde Sinnema || || || v. 21 ||2024-05-24|| Talitha Nauta || || || v. 22 ||2024-05-31|| Emil Sundström || || || v. 23 ||2024-06-07|| Johan Lindberg|| || || v. 24 ||2024-06-14|| Thijs van Oorschot || || == Fall 2023 == || v. 35 ||2023-09-01|| Max Nilsson || || || v. 36 ||2023-09-08|| Licentiate Defense: Jonas Hansson/Bart Besselink (University of Groningen) || || || v. 37 ||2023-09-15|| Bruce D. Lee (University of Pennsylvania) || || || v. 38 ||2023-09-22|| New PhDs self introduction || || || v. 39 ||2023-09-29|| Olle Kjellqvist || || || v. 40 ||2023-10-06|| Max Nyberg Carlsson || || || v. 41 ||2023-10-13|| Licentiate Defense: Frida Heskebeck/Martin Gemborn Nilsson || || || v. 42 ||2023-10-20|| Alba Gurpegui || || || v. 43 ||2023-10-24|| Margret Bauer (Extra Tuesday Seminar) || || || v. 43 ||2023-10-27|| Jesper Sundell || || || v. 44 ||2023-11-03|| Venkatraman Renganathan || || || v. 45 ||2023-11-10|| Ylva Wahlquist || || || v. 46 ||2023-11-17|| Frida Norlund || || || v. 47 ||2023-11-24|| Birgitta Wingqvist || || || v. 48 ||2023-12-01|| Henrik Sandberg (KTH) || || || v. 49 ||2023-12-08|| Pex Tufvesson || || || v. 50 ||2023-12-15|| Christmas Surprise! || || == Fall 2022 == || v. 35 ||2022-09-02|| Olle Kjellqvist || || || v. 36 ||2022-09-09|| Volodymyr Voitenko ||[[attachment:2022-09-09_Voitenko.pptx]] || || v. 37 ||2022-09-16|| Venkatraman Renganathan || [[attachment:16092022Venkat.pdf|Distributionally Robust Covariance Steering With Optimal Risk Allocation]] || || v. 38 ||2022-09-23|| Thomas Chaffey || || || v. 39 ||2022-09-30|| New PhDs self introduction: Alba, Julia, Marko and Frida || || || v. 40 ||2022-10-07|| Ylva Wahlquist || [[attachment:2022_fridayseminar_ylva.pdf]] || || v. 41 ||2022-10-14|| Johan Grönqvist (missed)|| || || v. 42 ||2022-10-21|| Birgitta Wingqvist|| || || v. 43 ||2022-10-28|| Licentiate defense: Christian Rosdahl / Friday Seminar: Johan Grönqvist || || || v. 44 ||2022-11-04|| Johanna Wilroth (Liu) || || || v. 45 ||2022-11-11|| David Ohlin |||| || v. 46 ||2022-11-18|| PhD defense: Johan Ruuskanen || || || v. 47 ||2022-11-25|| PhD defense: Martin Morin || || || v. 48 ||2022-12-02|| Christmas party || || || v. 49 ||2022-12-09|| Pex Tufvesson || A highly personal time travel through Pex's digital audio signal processing history || || v. 50 ||2022-12-16|| PhD defense: Claudio Mandrioli || || || v. 51 ||2022-12-24|| '''Christmas Eve''' || || == Spring 2023 == || v. 2 ||2023-01-13|| Alain Govaert (missed) || || || v. 3 ||2023-01-20|| Sebastian Banert || || || v. 4 ||2023-01-27|| Anders Mannesson (former PhD student at the department) || || || v. 5 ||2023-02-03|| Lara Laban || || || v. 6 ||2023-02-10|| Nils Vreman || || || v. 7 ||2023-02-17|| Albin Heimerson || || || v. 8 ||2023-02-24|| Zheng Jia || [[attachment:Zheng_Jia_Friday_seminar_Feb_24_2023.pdf]] || || v. 9 ||2023-03-03|| Harry Pigot || || || v. 10 ||2023-03-10|| Marko Guberina || || || v. 11 ||2023-03-17|| Frida Heskebeck || || || v. 12 ||2023-03-24|| Luka Bakovic |||| || v. 13 ||2023-03-31|| Fethi Bencherki|| || || v. 14 ||2023-04-07||'''Good Friday''' || || || v. 15 ||2023-04-14|| Julia Adlercreutz || || || v. 16 ||2023-04-21|| Julian Salt|| || || v. 17 ||2023-04-28||Johan Lindberg || || || v. 18 ||2023-05-05||Magnus Fontes || || || v. 19 ||2023-05-12|| Emil Vladu || || || v. 20 ||2023-05-19|| Jonas Hansson || || || v. 21 ||2023-05-26|| Manu Upadhyaya || || || v. 22 ||2023-06-02|| Felix Agner || [[attachment:felix_2023_june.pdf | Github Copilot ]] || || v. 23 ||2023-05-09|| La Mi (visiting researcher from the university of Luxembourg) || || || v. 24 ||2023-06-16|| ?? || || || v. 25 ||2023-06-23|| '''''Midsummer''''' || || == Year 2021/2022 == == Spring 2022 == || v. 2 ||2022-01-14|| Albin Heimerson || || || v. 3 ||2022-01-21|| PhD Defense Martin Heyden || || || v. 4 ||2022-01-27|| PhD Defense Taouba Jouini || || || v. 5 ||2022-02-04|| Harry Pigot|| || || v. 6 ||2022-02-11|| Zheng Jia || [[attachment:2022_02_11_Friday_seminar_Zheng_Jia.pdf]] || || v. 7 ||2022-02-18|| Frida Heskebeck || [[attachment:frida2022.pdf|slides]] || || v. 8 ||2022-02-25|| Fethi Bencherki || || || v. 9 ||2022-03-04|| Christian Rosdahl || [[attachment:FridaySeminarChristian2022.pdf]] || || v. 10 ||2022-03-11|| Martin Morin |||| || v. 11 ||2022-03-18|| Lab Process Demo - Felix Agner|| [[attachment:2022_felix_robotdemo.pdf|slides]] || || v. 12 ||2022-03-25|| Julian Salt || || || v. 13 ||2022-04-01|| Mahyar Fazlyab from John Hopkins University || || || v. 14 ||2022-04-08|| Johan Lindberg || [[attachment:Fundamental limitations on the control of lossless systems.pdf]] || || v. 15 ||2022-04-15|| '''Good Friday''' || || || v. 16 ||2022-04-22|| Nils Vreman || || || v. 17 ||2022-04-29|| Emil Vladu || || || v. 18 ||2022-05-06|| Jonas Hansson || || || v. 19 ||2022-05-13|| Claudio Mandriolo || || || v. 20 ||2022-05-20|| Dongjun Wu || [[attachment:seminaire-contraction-analysis.pdf]] || || v. 21 ||2022-05-27|| '''Day After Ascension Day''' || || || v. 22 ||2022-06-03|| Hamed Sadeghi || || || v. 23 ||2022-06-10|| Manu Upadhyaya || || || v. 24 ||2022-06-17|| PhD Defense Tommi Berner || || || v. 25 ||2022-06-24|| '''''Midsummer''''' || || == Fall 2021 == || v. 35 ||2021-09-03|| Ylva Wahlquist || [[attachment:fridayseminarylva21.pdf|slides]] || || v. 36 ||2021-09-10|| Venkatraman Renganathan || [[attachment:venkat_2021.pdf|slides]] || || v. 37 ||2021-09-17|| Karl-Johan Åström || || || v. 38 ||2021-09-24|| Johan Grönqvist || || || v. 39 ||2021-10-01|| Felix Agner || [[attachment:FelixAgner2021_howToFridaySeminar.pdf|slides]] || || v. 40 ||2021-10-08|| Pauline Kergus || || || v. 41 ||2021-10-15|| Tihomir Zilic || [[attachment:tihomir2021.pdf|slides]]|| || v. 42 ||2021-10-22|| David Ohlin || || || v. 43 ||2021-10-29|| Anton Johansson |||| || v. 44 ||2021-11-05|| Max Nyberg Carlsson || || || v. 45 ||2021-11-12|| No seminar - Marcus Greiff Dissertation || || || v. 46 ||2021-11-19|| Alain Govaert ||[[attachment:Coffee_Alain|slides]] || || v. 47 ||2021-11-26|| Martin Gemborn Nilsson || || || v. 48 ||2021-12-03|| Pex Tufvesson || Improve your presentation technique. || || v. 49 ||2021-12-10|| Björn Olofsson|| || || v. 50 ||2021-12-17|| Anton Cervin || || || v. 51 ||2021-12-24|| '''Christmas Eve''' || || == Year 2020/2021 == == Spring 2021 == || v. 2 ||2021-01-15|| Albin Heimerson || [[https://wiki.control.lth.se/versionControl/canvasSync|An automatic script for syncing your course files from Gitlab to Canvas]] || || v. 3 ||2021-01-22|| Sebastian Banert || || || v. 4 ||2021-01-29|| Claudio Mandriolo || || || v. 5 ||'''2021-02-05'''|| Frida Heskebeck '''Time changed to 10.05''' || [[attachment:fridaH200205.pdf|slides]] || || v. 6 ||2021-02-12|| Margret Bauer ||[[attachment:MargretBauer200212.pdf|slides]] || || v. 7 ||2021-02-19|| Harry Pigot || [[attachment:2021VT_harrypigot.pdf|Fitting a physiological model to a mechanical load.]] || || v. 8 ||2021-02-26|| Christian Rosdahl || [[attachment:fridayseminar2021-02-26.key|Keynote]] [[attachment:fridayseminar2021-02-26.pdf|PDF (no animations)]] || || v. 9 ||2021-03-05|| Olle Kjellqvist || [[attachment:2021_03_04.pdf|slides]] || || v. 10 ||2021-03-12|| Martin Morin || [[https://gitlab.control.lth.se/martinm/matlab-gui-seminar| Git repo with slides and demos]] || || v. 11 ||2021-03-19|| Modelon || || v. 12 ||2021-03-26|| Julian Salt || || || v. 13 ||2021-04-02|| '''''Good Friday''''' || || || v. 14 ||2021-04-09|| Johan Lindberg || || || v. 15 ||2021-04-16|| Alexandre Martins || || || v. 16 ||2021-04-23|| Emil Vladu || || || v. 17 ||2021-04-30|| Mattias Fält || || || v. 18 ||2021-05-07|| Jonas Hansson || || || v. 19 ||2021-05-14|| '''''Day after ascension day''''' || || || v. 20 ||2021-05-21|| Marcus Greiff || [[attachment:MG_slides_0521.pdf|Presentation Slides]] [[attachment:MG_paper_0521.pdf|Related Paper]]|| || v. 21 ||2021-05-28|| Johan Ruuskanen || [[attachment:2021_johan_presentation.pdf|Presentation slides]] || || v. 22 ||2021-06-04|| Hamed Sadeghi || || || v. 23 ||2021-06-11|| Manu Upadhyaya || [[attachment:2021_manupresentation_v2.pdf|Presentation slides]] || || v. 24 ||2021-06-18|| Martin Heyden || || || v. 25 ||2021-06-25|| '''''Midsummer''''' || || == Fall 2020 == || v. 35 ||2020-08-28|| Birgitta Wingqvist (Cancelled) || || || v. 36 ||2020-09-04|| Ylva Wahlquist || [[attachment:hemodynamiccontrol.pdf|Prevention of stone heart through hemodynamic control]] || || v. 37 ||2020-09-11|| Felix Agner || [[attachment:ControlInDistrictHeating.pdf|A whirlwind tour of Control in District Heating]]|| || v. 38 ||2020-09-18|| Karl-Erik Årzén || [[attachment:ATrackingBasedApproachforHandlingControlSignalConstraints.pdf|A tracking-based approach for handling control signal constraints]] || || v. 39 ||2020-09-25|| Ci Chen || [[attachment:200925_CiChen.pdf|Reinforcement Learning for Output Tracking of Linear Discrete-Time Systems]] || || v. 40 ||2020-10-02|| Olof Troeng || [[attachment:oloft_2020.pdf|A Gourmet Dinner Of Complex-Coefficient Transfer Functions]] || || v. 41 ||2020-10-09|| Martin Morin || [[attachment:martinmorin_friday_seminar_bias_in_VRSG_201009.pdf|Bias in Variance Reduced Stochastic Gradient Methods]]|| || v. 42 ||2020-10-16|| Karl-Johan Åström, Tore Hägglund || Adventures in Autotuning || || v. 43 ||2020-10-23|| Pontus Giselsson || [[attachment:201023PontusNOFOB.pdf|NOFOB]] || || v. 44 ||2020-10-30|| Birgitta Wingqvist || || || v. 45 ||2020-11-06|| Emma Tegling || || || v. 46 ||2020-11-13|| Mustafa Yetis || [[attachment:5GWirelessNetworks_General_v03.pptx|5G wireless networks]] || || v. 47 ||2020-11-20|| Richard Pates || Test and Trace - The Need for Speed: [[https://youtu.be/ISbq_rwkaXc| Youtube-link]] || || v. 48 ||2020-11-27|| Taouba Jouini || || || v. 49 ||2020-12-04|| Charlotta Johnsson || [[attachment:charlotta_j_2020.pdf|Innovation and Entrepreneurship]] || || v. 50 ||2020-12-11|| Per Skarin || || || v. 51 ||2020-12-18|| Frida Heskebeck || [[attachment:FridaH20201218.pdf| New Year - New ideas, Time management and webinars]] || == Year 2019/2020 == == Spring 2020 == || v. 2 ||2020-01-10|| Alexandre Martins || || || v. 3 ||2020-01-17|| Richard Pates || || || v. 4 ||2020-01-24|| Fredrik Bagge Karlsson || || || v. 5 ||2020-01-31|| Sebastian Banert || || || v. 6 ||2020-02-07|| ''Mattias Fält - Sick''. Replaced by Anders Nilsson || || || v. 7 ||2020-02-14|| Martina Maggio || || || v. 8 ||2020-02-21|| Marcus Greiff || || || v. 9 ||2020-02-28|| Johan Grönqvist || || || v. 10 ||2020-03-06|| ''Martin Heyden - Licenciate soon''. Replaced by Pauline Kergus || || || v. 11 ||2020-03-13|| Marcus Thelander Andrén ||[[attachment:200313MarcusTA.pdf|Knowing When to Stop]] || || v. 12 ||2020-03-20|| Christian Rosdahl || || || v. 13 ||2020-03-27|| Emil Vladu || || || v. 14 ||2020-04-03|| Olle Kjellqvist || || || v. 15 ||2020-04-10|| '''''Good Friday''''' || || || v. 16 ||2020-04-17|| Johan Ruuskanen || || || v. 17 ||2020-04-24|| Empty || || || v. 18 ||2020-05-01|| '''''First of May''''' || || || v. 19 ||2020-05-08|| Albin Heimerson || || || v. 20 ||2020-05-15|| Hamed Sadeghi || || || v. 21 ||2020-05-22|| '''''Day after ascension day''''' || || || v. 22 ||2020-05-29|| Frida Heskebeck || || || v. 23 ||2020-06-05|| Nils Vreman || || || v. 24 ||2020-06-12|| Yang Liu || || || v. 25 ||2020-06-19|| '''''Midsummer''''' || || == Fall 2019 == || v. 35 ||2019-08-30|| Harry Pigot || || || v. 36 ||2019-09-06|| Anton Cervin || [[attachment:2019_anton_jittertime.pdf|JitterTime]], [[http://www.control.lth.se/jittertime]] || || v. 37 ||2019-09-13|| Tommi Nylander || || || v. 38 ||2019-09-20|| Taouba Jouini || || || v. 39 ||2019-09-27|| Kristian Soltesz || || || v. 40 ||2019-10-04|| Gautham Nayak Seetanadi || [[attachment:191004Gautham.pdf|Safe Reinforcement Learning]], [[attachment:191004Gautham_Video1-Exp1_D_20.mp4|Video1]], [[attachment:191004Gautham_Video2-Exp1_D_30.mp4|Video2]], [[attachment:191004Gautham_Video3-Exp2_D_30.mp4|Video3]], [[attachment:191004Gautham_Video4-Exp4_D_32.mp4|Video4]]|| || v. 41 ||2019-10-11|| Karl Johan Åström || || || v. 42 ||2019-10-18|| Zhiyong Sun || || || v. 43 ||2019-10-25|| ''Per Skarin - Missed'' || || || v. 44 ||2019-11-01|| Martin Morin || || || v. 45 ||2019-11-08|| ''Carolina Lidström - Missed.'' Replaced by Lotta || || || v. 46 ||2019-11-15|| Mustafa Yetis || || || v. 47 ||2019-11-22|| Emil Madsen || || || v. 48 ||2019-11-29|| Claudio Mandrioli || || || v. 49 ||2019-12-06|| Rolf Johansson || || || v. 50 ||2019-12-13|| Julian Salt || || || v. 51 ||2019-12-20|| Christmas || || == Year 2018/2019 == == Spring 2019 == || v. 2 ||2019-01-11|| Pontus Giselsson || || || v. 3 ||2019-01-18|| Martin Karlsson || || || v. 4 ||2019-01-25|| Christian Rosdahl || || || v. 5 ||2019-02-01|| Martin Morin || || || v. 6 ||2019-02-08|| Johan Ruuskanen || || || v. 7 ||2019-02-15|| Nils Vreman || || || v. 8 ||2019-02-22|| Karl-Erik Årzén || || || v. 9 ||2019-03-01|| Albin Heimerson || || || v. 10 ||2019-03-08|| Olof Troeng || || || v. 11 ||2019-03-15|| Alexandre Martins || || || v. 12 ||2019-03-22|| Mattias Fält || || || v. 13 ||2019-03-29|| Victor Millnert || || || v. 14 ||2019-04-05|| Carolina Lidström || || || v. 15 ||2019-04-12|| Hamed Sadeghi || || || v. 16 ||2019-04-19|| '''''Good Friday''''' || || || v. 17 ||2019-04-26|| Anders Rantzer || || || v. 18 ||2019-05-03|| Martin Heyden || || || v. 19 ||2019-05-10|| Bo Bernhardsson || || || v. 20 ||2019-05-17|| Giacomo Como || || || v. 21 ||2019-05-24|| Tore Hägglund || || || v. 22 ||2019-05-31|| '''''Day after ascension day''''' || || || v. 23 ||2019-06-08|| '''''Day after national day''''' || || || v. 24 ||2019-06-15|| Johan Eker || || || v. 25 ||2019-06-22|| Midsummer || || == Fall 2018 == || v. 35 ||2018-08-31|| Zahra (Melika) Shahriari || || || v. 36 ||2018-09-07|| Richard Pates || Solving LQR problems with Linear Algebra || || v. 37 ||2018-09-14|| Henry (Harry) Pigot || A self-sustaining model for peer-to-peer engineering education among children in low resource environments || || v. 38 ||2018-09-21|| Karl-Johan Åström || Adventures in PID-tuning || || v. 39 ||2018-09-28|| Di Zhao || || || v. 40 ||2018-10-05|| Paolo Pazzaglia || || || v. 41 ||2018-10-12|| Tommi Nylander || || || v. 42 ||2018-10-19|| Marcus Thelander Andrén ||[[attachment:181019_MarcusTA.pdf|A Radial Basis Function Method for Approximating the Optimal Event-Based Sampling Policy]]|| || v. 43 ||2018-10-26|| Claudio Mandrioli || || || v. 44 ||2018-11-02|| Anton Cervin || [[attachment:inspfika_anton_2018.pdf|A new Lab 3 for FRTN10 Multivariable Control]], [[http://archive.control.lth.se/media/Education/EngineeringProgram/FRTN10/2018/lab3.pdf|Lab 3 Manual]] || || v. 45 ||2018-11-09|| Gautham Nayak Seetanadi ||[[attachment:InspirationCoffee_Gautham.key | Modelling of a Camera Network with Disturbances ]]|| || v. 46 ||2018-11-16|| Per Skarin || || || v. 47 ||2018-11-23|| José Manuel González Cava || || || v. 48 ||2018-11-30|| Marcus Greiff || || || v. 49 ||2018-12-07|| Gustav Nilsson || || || v. 50 ||2018-12-14|| Pontus Giselsson || || || v. 51 ||2018-12-21|| Christmas || || == Year 2017/2018 == == Spring 2018 == || v. 2 ||2018-01-12|| Marcus Thelander Andrén || || || v. 3 ||2018-01-19|| Olof Troeng || || || v. 4 ||2018-01-26|| Martin Karlsson || || || v. 5 ||2018-02-02|| Christian Rosdahl || || || v. 6 ||2018-02-09|| Martin Morin || || || v. 7 ||2018-02-16|| Kaito Ariu || || || v. 8 ||2018-02-23|| Per Skarin || || || v. 9 ||2018-03-02|| Mattias Fält|| || || v. 10 ||2018-03-09|| Jacob Bergstedt || || || v. 11 ||2018-03-16|| Alexandre Martins || || || v. 12 ||2018-03-23|| Pontus Giselsson ||[[attachment:2018_pontus.pdf|Fixed-Point Interpretations of Large-Scale Convex Optimization Algorithms]] || || v. 13 ||2018-03-31|| '''''Good Friday''''' || || || v. 14 ||2018-04-06|| Johan Ruuskanen || || || v. 15 ||2018-04-13|| Charlotta Johnsson || || || v. 16 ||2018-04-20|| Bo Bernhardsson || || || v. 17 ||2018-04-27|| Johan Eker || || || v. 18 ||2018-05-04|| Tore Hägglund || || || v. 19 ||2018-05-11|| '''''Day after ascension day''''' || || || v. 20 ||2018-05-18|| Martina Maggio || || || v. 21 ||2018-05-25|| Anders Rantzer || || || v. 22 ||2018-06-01|| Martin Heyden || [[attachment:180601MartinHe.pdf|Cheap Control of Delayed Transportation Systems]] || || v. 23 ||2018-06-08|| Karl-Erik Årzén || || || v. 24 ||2018-06-15|| V A kant || || || v. 25 ||2018-06-22|| Midsommer || || == Fall 2017 == || v. 35 ||2017-09-01|| Karl-Johan Åström || || || v. 36 ||2017-09-08|| Richard Pates || || || v. 37 ||2017-09-15|| ''''LU 350th Anniversary'''' || || || v. 38 ||2017-09-22|| Kaoru Yamamoto || || || v. 39 ||2017-09-30|| Gustav Nilsson || || || v. 40 ||2017-10-06|| Victor Millnert || || || v. 41 ||2017-10-13|| Majdi Gazaei || || || v. 42 ||2017-10-20|| Carolina Lidström || || || v. 43 ||2017-10-27|| Jacob Mejvik || || || v. 44 ||2017-11-03|| Fredrik Bagge Carlsson || || || v. 45 ||2017-11-10|| Michelle Chong || || || v. 46 ||2017-11-17|| Marcus Greiff || || || v. 47 ||2017-11-24|| Gautham Nayak Seetanadi || || || v. 48 ||2017-12-01|| Kristian Soltesz|| || || v. 49 ||2017-12-08|| Josefin Berner || || || v. 50 ||2017-12-15|| Hamed Sadeghi || || || v. 51 ||2017-12-22|| Christmas || || == Year 2016/2017 == == Spring 2017 == || v. 2 ||2017-01-13|| Anton Cervin || [[attachment:2017_anton.pdf|The Cost of Harmonicity]] || || v. 3 ||2017-01-20|| Karl-Erik Årzén || || || v. 4 ||2017-01-27|| Gustav Nilsson || || || v. 5 ||2017-02-03|| Fredrik Bagge Carlsson || || || v. 6 ||2017-02-10|| Gabriel Ingesson || || || v. 7 ||2017-02-17|| Bo Bernhardsson || || || v. 8 ||2017-02-24|| Pontus Giselsson || || || v. 9 ||2017-03-03|| Marcus Thelander Andrén|| || || v. 10 ||2017-03-10|| Anders Robertsson || || || v. 11 ||2017-03-17|| Per Skarin || || || v. 12 ||2017-03-24|| Olof Troeng || || || v. 13 ||2017-03-31|| Giacomo Como || || || v. 14 ||2017-04-07|| Mattias Fält || || || v. 15 ||2017-04-14|| Easter || || || v. 16 ||2017-04-21|| Carolina Lidström || || || v. 17 ||2017-04-28|| Interviews Bitr.Lekt || || || v. 18 ||2017-05-05|| Hameed Sedaghi || || || v. 19 ||2017-05-12|| Martin Heyden || || || v. 20 ||2017-05-19|| Jacob Mejvik || || || v. 21 ||2017-05-26|| Day after ascension day || || || v. 22 ||2017-06-02|| Alexandre Martins || || || v. 23 ||2017-06-09|| Charlotta Johnsson || || || v. 24 ||2017-06-16|| Victor Millnert || || || v. 25 ||2017-06-23|| Midsommer || || == Fall 2016 == || v. 35 ||2016-09-02|| Yang Xu || || || v. 36 ||2016-09-09|| Richard Pates || || || v. 37 ||2016-09-16|| Jacob Antonsson || || || v. 38 ||2016-09-23|| Michelle Chong || || || v. 39 ||2016-09-30|| Gautham Nayak Seetanadi ||[[attachment:2016_gautham.pdf|QoS Management for Camera Networks]] || || v. 40 ||2016-10-07|| Giulia Giordano || || || v. 41 ||2016-10-14|| Morten Hagdrup || || || v. 42 ||2016-10-21|| Fredrik Magnusson || [[attachment:2016_fredrikm_again.pdf|Newton's Fractal Fragility]] || || v. 43 ||2016-10-28|| Martina Maggio || || || v. 44 ||2016-11-04|| Martin Karlsson || || || v. 45 ||2016-11-11|| Josefin Berner || || || v. 46 ||2016-11-18|| Fredrik Magnusson disputerar (no seminar) || || || v. 47 ||2016-11-25|| Anders Rantzer || [[attachment:161125RantzerNew.pdf | PI Control on Networks]] || || v. 48 ||2016-12-02|| Tommi Nylander || || || v. 49 ||2016-12-09|| Kristian Soltesz || || || v. 50 ||2016-12-16|| Manfred Dellkrantz || [[attachment:2016-12-16_manfred.pdf | Delay Compensated Feedback-based Autoscaling of Cloud Applications]] || || v. 51 ||2016-12-23|| Christmas || || == Year 2015/2016 == == Spring 2016 == || v. 1 ||2016-01-08|| Alessandro V. Papadopoulos || || || v. 2 ||2016-01-15|| Carolina Lidström || [[attachment:Carolina_2016.pdf|On scalable methods for H-infinity control]] || || v. 3 ||2016-01-22|| Fredrik Bagge Carlson || || || v. 4 ||2016-01-29|| Martin Karlsson || || || v. 5 ||2016-02-05|| Jonas Dürango || || || v. 6 ||2016-02-12|| Bo Bernhardsson || || || v. 7 ||2016-02-19|| Vanessa Romero Segovia|| || || v. 8 ||2016-02-26|| Anton Cervin || [[attachment:2016_anton.pdf|PID as a Benchmark for Event-Based Control?]] || || v. 9 ||2016-03-04|| Anders Nilsson || [[attachment:2016_andersn_slides.pdf]] [[attachment:2016_andersn_tutorial.pdf]]|| || v. 10 ||2016-03-11|| Josefin Berner || || || v. 11 ||2016-03-18|| Mahdi Ghazaei || [[attachment:2016_mahdi.pdf|Ball and Finger System]] || || v. 12 ||2016-03-25|| Easter Holiday || || || v. 13 ||2016-04-01|| Fredrik Magnusson || [[attachment:2016_fredrikm.pdf|Symbolic Elimination Techniques for Dynamic Optimization]] || || v. 14 ||2016-04-08|| Charlotta Johnsson || || || v. 15 ||2016-04-15|| Christian Grussler || || || v. 16 ||2016-04-22|| Mattias Fält || || || v. 17 ||2016-04-29|| Victor Millnert || || || v. 18 ||2016-05-06|| Day after Ascension Day || || || v. 19 ||2016-05-13|| Marcus Andrén || [[attachment:2016_marcus.pdf|Event-Based Estimation using Stochastic Triggering]] || || v. 20 ||2016-05-20|| Gabriel Ingesson || || || v. 21 ||2016-05-27|| Pontus Giselsson || || || v. 22 ||2016-06-03|| Enrico Bini || || || v. 23 ||2016-06-10|| Empty || || || v. 24 ||2016-06-17|| Giacomo Como || || || v. 25 ||2016-06-24|| Olof Sörnmo || || == Fall 2015 == || v. 35 ||2015-08-28|| Admin Group || || || v. 36 ||2015-09-04|| '''Empty''' || || || v. 37 ||2015-09-11|| Yang Xu || || || v. 38 ||2015-09-18|| Ola Johnsson || [[attachment:presentation_ola_2015_09_18.pdf|Control of an exponential disturbance]] || || v. 39 ||2015-09-25|| Bengt Lennartson || || || v. 40 ||2015-10-02|| Empty || || || v. 41 ||2015-10-09|| Olof Troeng || [[attachment:2015_oloft.pdf]] (130MB) || || v. 42 ||2015-10-16|| Mariette Annergren ||[[attachment:Annergren2015.pdf]]|| || v. 43 ||2015-10-23|| Kristian Soltesz || || || v. 44 ||2015-10-30|| '''Empty'' || || || v. 45 ||2015-11-06|| Michelle S. Chong || || || v. 46 ||2015-11-13|| Manfred Dellkrantz || || || v. 47 ||2015-11-20|| Gustav Nilsson ||[[attachment:presentation_gustav_2015_11_20.pdf|Traffic Control for Large Scale Networks]] || || v. 48 ||2015-11-27|| Anders Petterson || || || v. 49 ||2015-12-04|| Richard Pates || || || v. 50 ||2015-12-11|| '''Empty''' || || || v. 51 ||2015-12-18|| '''Empty''' || || == Year 2014/2015 == Spring 2015 == || v. 2 ||2015-01-09|| Alessandro V. Papadopoulos ||[[attachment:Alessandro_2015.pdf]] || || v. 3 ||2015-01-16|| Yang Xu || || || v. 4 ||2015-01-23|| Lisa Nydén from Ideon || || || v. 5 ||2015-01-30|| Anders Pettersson || || || v. 6 ||2015-02-06|| Manfred Delkrantz || || || v. 7 ||2015-02-13|| Jacob Antonsson || || || v. 8 ||2015-02-20|| Christian Grussler || || || v. 9 ||2015-02-27|| Jonas Dürango || || || v. 10 ||2015-03-06|| Alina Rubanova|| || || v. 11 ||2015-03-13|| Josefin Berner || || || v. 12 ||2015-03-20|| Gabriel Ingesson || || || v. 13 ||2015-03-27|| Pontus Giselsson || || || v. 14 ||2015-04-03|| Easter Holiday || || || v. 15 ||2015-04-10|| Carolina Lidström ||[[attachment:Carolina_2015.pdf]] || || v. 16 ||2015-04-17|| Fredrik Bagge Carlson ||[[attachment:2015_fredrikb.pdf]] || || v. 17 ||2015-04-24|| Martin Karlsson || [[attachment:2015_martin_karlsson.pdf]] || || v. 18 ||2015-05-01|| 1st of May || || || v. 19 ||2015-05-08|| Fredrik Magnusson || [[attachment:2015_friday_fredrikm.pdf|Causalization for Dynamic Optimization]] || || v. 20 ||2015-05-15|| Day after Ascension Day (no seminar) || || || v. 21 ||2015-05-22|| Victor Millnert || || || v. 22 ||2015-05-29|| 50 year celebration (no seminar) || || || v. 23 ||2015-06-05|| Mahdi Ghazaei ||[[attachment:2015_mahdi.pdf|How To Train Your Robot Like a Dog]]|| == Fall 2014 == || v. 36 ||2014-09-05|| Per Gustafson || || || v. 37 ||2014-09-12|| Kajsa Widén || || || v. 38 ||2014-09-19|| Seminar about group meetings at the department || || || v. 39 ||2014-09-26|| Björn Olofsson || || || v. 40 ||2014-10-03|| Martina Maggio || || || v. 41 ||2014-10-10|| Jerker Nordh || || || v. 42 ||2014-10-17|| Johan Eker || || || v. 43 ||2014-10-24|| Gustav Nilsson || || || v. 44 ||2014-10-31|| Canceled || || || v. 45 ||2014-11-07|| Meike Stemmann || || || v. 46 ||2014-11-14|| Seminar about research support services at LTH libraries || || || v. 47 ||2014-11-21|| Mariette Annergren || || || v. 48 ||2014-11-28|| Sei Zehn Khong || || || v. 49 ||2014-12-05|| Giacomo Como || || || v. 50 ||2014-12-12|| Olof Sörnmo || || --- == Spring 2014 == || v. 2 ||2014-01-10|| Björn Olofsson|| || || v. 3 ||2014-01-17|| Fredrik Ståhl|| || || v. 4 ||2014-01-24|| Olof Garpinger|| || || v. 5 ||2014-01-31|| Mikael Lindberg|| || || v. 6 ||2014-02-07||Manfred Dellkrantz|| || || v. 7 ||2014-02-14|| Enrico Lovisari || || || v. 8 ||2014-02-21|| Fredrik Magnusson || [[attachment:2014_fredrikm.pdf|Collocation Methods in General and Conditioning of the Corresponding Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Systems in Particular]]|| || v. 9 ||2014-02-28|| Martin Hast || || || v. 10 ||2014-03-07|| Christina Windmark - Industrial Production || || || v. 11 ||2014-03-14|| Motorlab || || || v. 12 ||2014-03-21|| LCCC seminar - Henry Hoffmann || || || v. 13 ||2014-03-28|| Anders Mannesson || || || v. 14 ||2014-04-04|| Yang Xu || || || v. 15 ||2014-04-11|| Carolina Lidström || || || v. 16 ||2014-04-18|| Easter|| || || v. 17 ||2014-04-25|| Ola Johnsson || || || v. 18 ||2014-05-02|| Bridge day, 1st of May || || || v. 19 ||2014-05-09|| Andreas Stolt || || || v. 20 ||2014-05-16|| Josefin Berner || || || v. 21 ||2014-05-23|| None due to Karl's defense of his doctoral dissertation || || ---- == Fall 2013 == || v. 34 ||2013-08-23||Katja Gilly, Miguel Hernández University|| || || v. 35 ||2013-08-30||Olof Sörnmo|| || || v. 36 ||2013-09-06|| Sei Zhen Khong || || || v. 37 ||2013-09-13|| Clara Ionescu, Ghent University || || || v. 38 ||2013-09-20|| Christian Grussler|| || || v. 39 ||2013-09-27|| Alfred Theorin|| || || v. 40 ||2013-10-04|| Jacob Antonsson || || || v. 41 ||2013-10-11|| None due to Anna's defence of her doctoral dissertation|| || || v. 42 ||2013-10-18|| Mahdi Ghazaei || || || v. 43 ||2013-10-25|| Magnus Perninge|| || || v. 44 ||2013-11-01|| Marzia Cescon|| || || v. 45 ||2013-11-08|| Vacant|| || || v. 46 ||2013-11-15|| Jerker Nordh || || || v. 47 ||2013-11-22|| Fadil Santosa, IMA Univeristy of Minnesota || || || v. 48 ||2013-11-29|| Guest seminar (see seminar list)|| || || v. 49 ||2013-12-06|| Gabriel Ingesson|| || || v. 50 ||2013-12-13|| Jonas Durango || || ---- == Spring 2013 == || v. 2 ||2013-01-11|| Philip Reuterswärd || || || v. 3 ||2013-01-18|| Anders Mannesson || || || v. 4 ||2013-01-25|| Anders Rantzer || || || v. 5 ||2013-02-01|| Björn Olofsson|| || || v. 6 ||2013-02-08|| Fredrik Ståhl|| || || v. 7 ||2013-02-15|| Alina Rubanova || || || v. 8 ||2013-02-22|| Mikael Lindberg || || || v. 9 ||2013-03-01|| Manfred Dellkrantz || || || v. 10 ||2013-03-08|| Enrico Lovisari|| || || v. 11 ||2013-03-15|| Fredrik Magnusson || [[attachment:2013_fredrikm.pdf|Collocation Methods for Dynamic Optimization]] || || v. 12 ||2013-03-22|| Martin Hast|| || || v. 13 ||2013-03-29|| Easter || || || v. 14 ||2013-04-05|| Pål Johan From|| || || v. 15 ||2013-04-12|| Magnus Linderoth|| || || v. 16 ||2013-04-19|| Daria Madjidian|| || || v. 17 ||2013-04-26|| Yung Xu || || || v. 18 ||2013-05-03|| Josefin Berner || || || v. 19 ||2013-05-10|| Bridge day, Kristi himmelsfärds dag|| || || v. 20 ||2013-05-17|| Andreas Stolt|| || || v. 21 ||2013-05-24|| Vanessa Romero Segovia || || || v. 22 ||2013-05-31|| Kristian Soltesz || || || v. 23 ||2013-05-07|| Bridge day, Nationaldagen|| || ---- == Fall 2012 == ||v. 33 ||2012-08-17|| Fernando Betancourt (Universidad de Concepción, Chile): "A simple mass balance controller for continuous sedimentation" || ||v. 34 ||2012-08-24|| (No seminar due to Stephen Boyd short course) || ||v. 35 ||2012-08-31|| Leonid Mirkin || ||v. 36 ||2012-09-07|| Anna Lindholm || ||v. 37 ||2012-09-14|| Georgios Chasparis || ||v. 38 ||2012-09-21|| Jonas Dürango || ||v. 39 ||2012-09-28|| Mahdi Ghazaei || ||v. 40 ||2012-10-05|| Christian Grussler || ||v. 41 ||2012-10-12|| Jang Ho Cho || ||v. 42 ||2012-10-19|| Alfred Theorin || ||v. 43 ||2012-10-26|| Jerker Nordh || ||v. 44 ||2012-11-02|| Yumiko Ishido || ||v. 45 ||2012-11-09|| Meike Stemmann || ||v. 46 ||2012-11-16|| Karl Berntorp || ||v. 47 ||2012-11-23|| Ola Johnsson || ||v. 48 ||2012-11-30|| Olof Srönmo || ||v. 49 ||2012-12-07|| Marzia Cescon || ||v. 50 ||2012-12-14|| Martina Maggio || == Spring 2012 == ||v. 2 ||2012-01-13 ||Ola Johnsson|| ||v. 3 ||2012-01-20 ||Mikael Lindberg || ||v. 4 ||2012-01-27 ||Karl-Erik Årzén|| ||v. 5 ||2012-02-03 ||Cho Jang Ho|| ||v. 6 ||2012-02-10 ||Daria Madjidian|| ||v. 7 ||2012-02-17 ||Pål Johan From|| ||v. 8 ||2012-02-24 ||Laurent Lessard|| ||v. 9 ||2012-03-02 ||Alfred Theorin|| ||v. 10 ||2012-03-09 ||Giacomo Como|| ||v. 11 ||2012-03-16 ||Yumiko Ishido|| ||v. 12 ||2012-03-23 ||Martin Hast|| ||v. 13 ||2012-03-30 ||Nina Bengtsson och Rasmus Persson från SOL (Eva Westin)|| ||v. 14 ||2012-04-06 ||(Easter)|| ||v. 15 ||2012-04-13 ||Karl Berntorp|| ||v. 16 ||2012-04-20 ||Magnus Linderoth|| ||v. 17 ||2012-04-27 ||Tore Hägglund|| ||v. 18 ||2012-05-04 ||Maxim Kristalny|| ||v. 19 ||2012-05-11 ||Alina Rubanova|| ||v. 20 ||2012-05-18 ||(Squeeze day)|| ||v. 21 ||2012-05-25 ||Andrey Ghulchak|| ||v. 22 ||2012-06-01 ||Vanessa Romero Segovia|| ||v. 23 ||2012-06-08 ||Marzia Cescon|| ||v. 24 ||2012-06-15 ||ACC presentations (Aivar, Anders W, Anton, Karl M, Laurent, Maxim) || == Fall 2011 == ||v. 33 ||2011-08-19 ||Tarek Abdelzaher (Guest professor from UIUC) || ||v. 34 ||2011-08-26 ||IFAC presentations || ||v. 35 ||2011-09-02 ||Control Engineering at Zhejiang University|| ||v. 36 ||2011-09-09 ||Anders Mannesson|| ||v. 37 ||2011-09-16 ||Kristian Soltesz|| ||v. 38 ||2011-09-23 ||Bo Bernhardsson [[attachment:inspiration_minenergy.pdf]]|| ||v. 39 ||2011-09-30 ||Pontus Giselsson|| ||v. 40 ||2011-10-07 ||Olof Sörnmo|| ||v. 41 ||2011-10-14 ||Anders Rantzer|| ||v. 42 ||2011-10-21 ||Georgios Chasparis|| ||v. 43 ||2011-10-28 ||Alexander Horch, ABB|| ||v. 44 ||2011-11-04 ||Björn Olofsson|| ||v. 45 ||2011-11-11 ||Jerker Nordh|| ||v. 46 ||2011-11-18 ||Meike Stemmann|| ||v. 47 ||2011-11-25 ||ELLIIT projects 2012|| ||v. 48 ||2011-12-02 ||Jonas Dürango|| ||v. 49 ||2011-12-09 ||CDC presentations|| ||v. 50 ||2011-12-16 ||Johan Åkesson|| == Spring 2011 == ||v. 2 ||2011-01-14 ||G: Karl Berntorp || ||v. 3 ||2011-01-21 ||LCCC: Anton Shiriaev || ||v. 4 ||2011-01-28 ||G: Erik Johannesson|| ||v. 5 ||2011-02-04 ||G: Toivo Henningsson|| ||v. 6 ||2011-02-11 ||G: Alina Rubanova|| ||v. 7 ||2011-02-18 ||LCCC: Jan Sternby || ||v. 8 ||2011-02-25 ||G: Daria Madjidian|| ||v. 9 ||2011-03-04 ||LCCC: Anton Cervin || ||v. 10 ||2011-03-11 ||G: Vanessa Romero Segovia || ||v. 11 ||2011-03-18 ||LCCC: || ||v. 12 ||2011-03-25 ||G: Alfred Theorin|| ||v. 13 ||2011-04-01 ||LCCC: Erik Lindström, MatStat|| ||v. 14 ||2011-04-08 ||G: Aivar Sootla|| ||v. 15 ||2011-04-15 ||G: Martin Hast|| ||v. 16 ||2011-04-22 ||(Easter)|| ||v. 17 ||2011-04-29 ||LCCC: Dawn Tilbury|| ||v. 18 ||2011-05-06 ||G:Marzia Cescon || ||v. 19 ||2011-05-13 ||LCCC: Susanne Åkesson, ekologi|| ||v. 20 ||2011-05-20 ||(cancelled due to LCCC workshop)|| ||v. 21 ||2011-05-27 ||LCCC: Yumiko Ishido|| ||v. 22 ||2011-06-03 ||(Squeeze day )|| ||v. 23 ||2011-06-10 ||G: Andreas Stolt|| ||v. 24 ||2011-06-17 ||G: Maria Hennigsson|| == Fall 2010 == ||v. 35 ||2010-09-03 ||15:05 - 15:35||G: Anders Widd || ||v. 36 ||2010-09-10 ||15:05 - 15:35||LCCC: Our new PhDs|| ||v. 37 ||2010-09-17 ||15:05 - 15:35||G: Karl Mårtensson || ||v. 38 ||2010-09-24 ||15:05 - 15:35||LCCC: Maxim Kristalny || ||v. 39 ||2010-10-01 ||15:05 - 15:35||G: Magnus Linderoth || ||v. 40 ||2010-10-08 ||15:05 - 15:35||LCCC: Bo Bernhardsson || ||v. 41 ||2010-10-15 ||15:05 - 15:35||G: Per-Ola Larsson || ||v. 42 ||2010-10-22 ||15:05 - 15:35||LCCC: KEÅ+BoB|| ||v. 43 ||2010-10-29 ||15:05 - 15:35||G: Anna Lindholm || ||v. 44 ||2010-11-05 ||15:05 - 15:35||Leif: New web page engine. || ||v. 45 ||2010-11-12 ||15:05 - 15:35||G: Meike Stemmann || ||v. 46 ||2010-11-19 ||15:05 - 15:35||Leif: New web page engine. || ||v. 47 ||2010-11-26 ||15:05 - 15:35||G: Philip Reuterswärd || ||v. 48 ||2010-12-03 ||15:05 - 15:35||Georgios Chasparis: Distributed Reinforcement|| ||v. 49 ||2010-12-10 ||14:00 - 16:05|| Repetitionsföredrag inför CDC'10 || ||v. 50 ||2010-12-17 || (CDC) || == Spring 2010 == ||v. 2 ||2010-01-15 ||G: Karl Berntorp || ||v. 3 ||2010-01-22 ||LCCC: Ionela Prodan, Supélec || ||v. 4 ||2010-01-29 ||G: Mikael Lindberg || ||v. 5 ||2010-02-05 ||(LCCC workshop) || ||v. 6 ||2010-02-12 ||LCCC: Stacy Patterson, University of California at Santa Barbara || ||v. 7 ||2010-02-19 ||G: Marzia Cescon || ||v. 8 ||2010-02-26 ||LCCC: Gunn Kristine Holst Larsen, University of Groningen || ||v. 9 ||2010-03-05 ||G: Erik Johannesson || ||v. 10 ||2010-03-12 ||(LCCC workshop) || ||v. 11 ||2010-03-19 ||I: || ||v. 12 ||2010-03-26 ||G: Vanessa Romero Segovia || ||v. 13 ||2010-04-02 ||G:(Långfredag) || ||v. 14 ||2010-04-09 ||LCCC: Angela Schöllig, ETH Zürich || ||v. 15 ||2010-04-16 ||I: || ||v. 16 ||2010-04-23 ||(LCCC workshop) || ||v. 17 ||2010-04-30 ||(Första Maj) || ||v. 18 ||2010-05-07 ||G: Toivo Perby Henningsson || ||v. 19 ||2010-05-14 ||(Klämdag) || ||v. 20 ||2010-05-21 ||(LCCC workshop) || ||v. 21 ||2010-05-28 ||G: || == Fall 2009 == ||v. 36 ||2009-09-04 ||G: Aivar Sootla || ||v. 37 ||2009-09-11 ||I: Kaan Bür, EIT || ||v. 38 ||2009-09-18 ||G: Karl Mårtensson || ||v. 39 ||2009-09-25 ||I: Lars Arvastson, H. Lundbeck A/S [[attachment:Stress.ppt]] || ||v. 40 ||2009-10-02 ||G: Magnus Linderoth || ||v. 41 ||2009-10-09 ||I: Gustaf Söderlind, Numerical Analysis, Mathematics LTH [[attachment:stolen09.pdf]] || ||v. 42 ||2009-10-16 ||G: Per-Ola Larsson || ||v. 43 ||2009-10-23 ||I: Wiki Tutorial, Erik Johannesson [[attachment:wiki_slides.pdf|slides]] || ||v. 44 ||2009-10-30 ||G: Kristian Soltesz || ||v. 45 ||2009-11-06 ||I: Tommy Andersson, Nationalekonomiska institutionen || ||v. 46 ||2009-11-13 ||G: Olof Garpinger || ||v. 47 ||2009-11-20 ||I: || ||v. 48 ||2009-11-27 ||G: Anna Lindholm || ||v. 49 ||2009-12-04 ||I: Stefan Skoog: Mikrostyrning med makroegenskaper || ||v. 50 ||2009-12-11 ||G: Philip Reuterswärd || == Spring 2009 == ||v. 2 ||2009-01-09 ||G: Karl Mårtensson || ||v. 3 ||2009-01-16 ||G:Isolde Dressler || ||v. 4 ||2009-01-23 ||G: Mikael Lindberg || ||v. 5 ||2009-01-30 ||I: Ulrike RicFaller, EIT || ||v. 6 ||2009-02-06 ||G: Anders Widd || ||v. 8 ||2009-02-20 ||I: Anton Cervin: Event-based PID control || ||v. 9 ||2009-02-27 ||I: Olivier Verdier, Matematikcentrum: Teaching and using Python for scientific computing || ||v. 10 ||2009-03-06 ||G: Fredrik Ståhl || ||v. 11 ||2009-03-13 ||I: Mats Gustafsson, Elektro- och Informationsteknik LTH || ||v. 12 ||2009-03-20 ||G: Marzia Cescon || ||v. 13 ||2009-03-27 ||I: Olivier Verdier, Matematikcentrum: "Another look at linear feedback equivalence" || ||v. 14 ||2009-04-03 ||G: Philip Reuterswärd || ||v. 15 ||2009-04-10 ||(Långfredag) || ||v. 16 ||2009-04-17 ||G: || ||v. 17 ||2009-04-24 ||I: Johan Marklund, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics LTH || ||v. 18 ||2009-05-01 ||(Första Maj) || ||v. 19 ||2009-05-08 ||G: Erik Johannesson || ||v. 20 ||2009-05-15 ||G: Maria Karlsson || ||v. 21 ||2009-05-20 ||G: Vanessa Romero Segovia || ||v. 22 ||2009-05-29 ||(LCCC Workshop) || ||v. 23 ||2009-06-05 ||I: Fredrik.Tufvesson, Elektro- och Informationsteknik LTH || ||v. 24 ||2009-06-12 ||G: Daria Madjidian || == Fall 2008 == ||v. 42 ||2008-10-17 ||G: Pontus Giselsson || ||v. 43 ||2008-10-24 ||I: Staffan Haugwitz || ||v. 44 ||2008-10-31 ||G: Aivar Sootla || ||v. 45 ||2008-11-07 ||I: Håkan Ardö, Bildbehandling, Matematikcentrum, Lund || ||v. 46 ||2008-11-14 ||I: Vindkraftskonferens || ||v. 47 ||2008-11-21 ||G: Per-Ola Larsson || ||v. 48 ||2008-11-28 ||G: Martin Kjær || ||v. 49 ||2008-12-05 ||I: Repetitionsföredrag inför CDC'08 || ||v. 50 ||2006-12-12 ||(CDC) || == Spring 2008 == ||v. 2 ||2007-01-11 ||G: || ||v. 3 ||2007-01-18 ||I: Ather Gattami: Important Unsolved Problems in Decision and Control || ||v. 4 ||2007-01-25 ||G: Toivo Henningsson || ||v. 5 ||2007-02-01 ||I: Institutionens reklamarbete || ||v. 6 ||2007-02-08 ||G: Oskar Nilsson || ||v. 7 ||2007-02-15 ||I: || ||v. 8 ||2007-02-22 ||G: Olof Garpinger || ||v. 9 ||2007-02-29<
>'''15:30-16:30''' ||I: Pablo Parillo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Finding Minimum-Rank Matrices via Nuclear Norm Minimization || ||v. 10 ||2007-03-07 ||G: Peter Alriksson || ||v. 11 ||2007-03-14 ||I: Magnus Annerstedt, Universitetssjukhuset i Lund: Robotkirurgi || ||v. 12 ||2007-03-21 ||(Långfredagen) || ||v. 13 ||2007-03-28 ||I: || ||v. 14 ||2007-04-04 ||G: Karl Mårtensson || ||v. 15 ||2007-04-11 ||I: || ||v. 16 ||2007-04-18 ||G: Pontus Giselsson || ||v. 17 ||2007-04-25 ||I: Om linjärservon och labbar (Rolf B, Per-Ola, Pontus) || ||v. 18 ||2007-05-02 ||(Klämdag) || ||v. 19 ||2007-05-09 ||I: Anders Rantzer || ||v. 20 ||2007-05-16 ||G: Anders Widd || ||v. 21 ||2007-05-23 ||G: Erik Johannesson || ||v. 22 ||2007-05-30 ||G: Mikael Lindberg || ||v. 23 ||2007-06-06 ||(Sveriges nationaldag) || ||v. 24 ||2007-06-13 ||G: || == Fall 2007 == ||v. 36 ||2007-09-07 ||I: Alexander Kurzhanski, Moscow State University / University of California at Berkeley: Impulse Control Synthesis, Fast Controls and Hybrid System Modelling || ||v. 38 ||2007-09-21 ||G: Per-Ola Larsson || ||v. 39 ||2007-09-28 ||I: Dan Henriksson, Dynasim AB || ||v. 40 ||2007-10-05 ||G: Martin Kjaer || ||v. 41 ||2007-10-12<
>kl. 15.05-16.05 ||I: Karlene Hoo, Texas Tech: Control projects at Texas Tech University<
> I: Rasmus Olsson, Pidab: Två år i verkligheten || ||v. 42 ||2007-10-19 ||G: Aivar Sootla || ||v. 43 ||2007-10-26<
>kl 15:05-16:00 ||I: Graham Goodwin, University of Newcastle, Australia: Developments in Networked Control || ||v. 44 ||2007-11-02 ||G: Brad Schofield || ||v. 45 ||2007-11-09 ||I: Karl-Erik Årzén: ACTORS || ||v. 46 ||2007-11-16 ||G: Isolde Dressler || ||v. 47 ||2007-11-23 ||I: Oskar Nilsson: Very important issues relating to my visit at Toyota || ||v. 48 ||2007-11-30 ||I: Lorenz Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh: Process Systems Engineering at Carnegie Mellon || ||v. 49 ||2007-12-07 ||I: Repetitionsföredrag inför CDC'07 || ||v. 50 ||2007-12-14 ||G: Maria Karlsson || == Spring 2007 == ||v. 2 ||2007-01-12 ||G: Ather Gattami || ||v. 4 ||2007-01-26 ||I: Tore Hägglund: Automatisk detektering av glapp || ||v. 7 ||2007-02-16 ||I: Stefan Diehl, Matematik: Sedimenteringsprocesser || ||v. 8 ||2007-02-23 ||G: Toivo Perby Henningsson || ||v. 9 ||2007-03-02 ||I: Henrik Jönsson, Teoretisk fysik: "Computational modelling and live imaging of plant development" || ||v. 10 ||2007-03-09 ||G: Peter Alriksson || ||v. 11 ||2007-03-16 ||I: Anton Cervin: Händelsebaserad reglering || ||v. 12 ||2007-03-23 ||G: Johan Åkesson || ||v. 13 ||2007-03-30 ||I: Anders Rantzer || ||v. 14 ||2007-04-06 ||(Långfredagen) || ||v. 15 ||2007-04-13 ||G: Olof Garpinger || ||v. 16 ||2007-04-20 ||I: David Limebeer, Imperial College, UK: Steering Compensators for High-Performance Motorcycles || ||v. 17 ||2007-04-27 ||I: Elin Sohlberg, Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB || ||v. 18 ||2007-05-04 ||G: || ||v. 19 ||2007-05-11 ||I: Oskar Nilsson || ||v. 20 ||2007-05-18 ||(Klämdag) || ||v. 21 ||2007-05-25 ||G: Erik Johannesson || ||v. 22 ||2007-06-01 ||G: Per-Ola Larsson || ||v. 23 ||2007-06-08 ||I: || ||v. 24 ||2007-06-15 ||G: Aivar Sootla || == Fall 2006 == ||v. 34 ||2006-08-25 ||I: Athir, Peter: Konferensrapport från MTNS'06 || ||v. 35 ||2006-09-01 ||I: Karl-Erik: RUNES || ||v. 36 ||2006-09-08 ||G: Martin Kjær || ||v. 37 ||2006-09-15 ||I: || ||v. 38 ||2006-09-22 ||G: Staffan Haugwitz || ||v. 39 ||2006-09-29 ||I: Charlotte Soneson, Matematikcentrum: matematisk modellering av Parkinsons sjukdom || ||v. 40 ||2006-10-06 ||I: || ||v. 41 ||2006-10-13 ||G: Jacob Svendenius || ||v. 42 ||2006-10-20 ||G: Brad Schofield || ||v. 43 ||2006-10-27 ||I: Torben Andersen, Astronomi || ||v. 44 ||2006-11-03 ||G: Johan Åkesson || ||v. 45 ||2006-11-10 ||I: || ||v. 46 ||2006-11-17 ||G: Maria Karlsson || ||v. 47 ||2006-11-24 ||I: Karl Johan Åström || ||v. 48 ||2006-12-01 ||G: Isolde Dressler || ||v. 49 ||2006-12-08 ||G: Tomas Olsson || ||v. 50 ||2006-12-15 ||I: (CDC) || == Spring 2006 == ||v. 3 ||2006-01-20 ||G: Anton Cervin || ||v. 5 ||2006-02-03 ||I: Ulf Jönsson, KTH || ||v. 6 ||2006-02-10 ||G: Martin Andersson || ||v. 7 ||2006-02-17 ||I: Lotta, Anders Ro & Anton: Utredning och vårt kursutbud ([[http://www.control.lth.se/~anton/kursutbud-060217.pdf|slides]]) || ||v. 8 ||2006-02-24 ||G: Andreas Wernrud || ||v. 9 ||2006-03-03 ||I: Anna Soffía Hauksdóttir, Islands Univ., Reykjavik || ||v. 10 ||2006-03-10 ||I: Torgny Roxå, UCLU: Bologna || ||v. 12 ||2006-03-24 ||G: Maria Karlsson || ||v. 13 ||2006-03-31 ||I: Anders Robertsson || ||v. 14 ||2006-04-07 ||G: Peter Alriksson || ||v. 15 ||2006-04-14 ||(Långfredagen) || ||v. 16 ||2006-04-21 ||I: Magnus Fontes och Johan Råde, Matematikcentrum: Visualisering av strukturer i genuttrycksdata || ||v. 17 ||2006-04-28 ||G: Toivo Henningsson || ||v. 18 ||2006-05-05 ||G: Ather Gattami: [[http://www.control.lth.se/~anton/athir.pdf|Entropy, Information, Control... and Back]] || ||v. 19 ||2006-05-12 ||G: Charlotta Johnsson || ||v. 20 ||2006-05-19 ||G: Olof Garpinger || ||v. 21 ||2006-05-26 ||(Klämdag) || ||v. 22 ||2006-06-02 ||G: Oskar Nilsson || == Fall 2005 == ||v. 33 ||2005-08-19 ||I: Anders Rantzer || ||v. 35 ||2005-09-02 ||I: Krister Forsman, Perstorp || ||v. 36 ||2005-09-09 ||G: Ola Slätteke || ||v. 37 ||2005-09-16 ||I: Gustav Olsson, IEA || ||v. 38 ||2005-09-23 ||G: Brad Schofield || ||v. 39 ||2005-09-30 ||I: Martin Nilsson, SICS || ||v. 40 ||2005-10-07 ||G: Staffan Haugwitz || ||v. 41 ||2005-10-14 ||I: Michael Herrström, VIA Travel || ||v. 42 ||2005-10-21 ||I: Bo Lincoln, Combra || ||v. 43 ||2005-10-28 ||I: Roy Andersson & Lars Bendix, Datavetenskap: e'''X'''treme '''T'''eaching || ||v. 44 ||2005-11-04 ||G: Tomas Olsson || ||v. 45 ||2005-11-11 ||I: Rolf Johansson: Diesel-HCCI Inspiration || ||v. 46 ||2005-11-18 ||G: Jacob Svendenius || ||v. 47 ||2005-11-25 ||I: [[http://www.control.lth.se/~jakesson/gruppmoten/Bob_20051125.html|Bo Bernhardsson - Inspiration from Information Theory]] || ||v. 48 ||2005-12-02 ||G: Isolde Dressler || ||v. 49 ||2005-12-09 ||(Julfest) || ||v. 50 ||2005-12-16 ||I: Karl Johan Åström: Interaktiva verktyg för reglerteknik ||