
This package defines the setting {paperhead} which includes the following commands:

\title{...} The document's title
\author{...} The document's author
\address{...} The author's address

  • If there are two author with the same address, write them together with \qquad in between. If there are two authors with different addresses, write them in the order auth1, addr1, auth2, addr2. They will automatically be placed in two columns. See the example. If authors and addresses don't fit in two columns, use footnotes instead, as per this example, which also includes a footnote to the title.

is used if Abstract or Keywords should be included in the header. The package {paperhead} is included automatically in {artikel} and in {pm}

This package changes the fonts so that PostScript-fonts (based on New Century Schoolbook) are used instead of the pixel-based that are default in TeX. Always use this for documents that are to be publiced, especially important if it should be presented in PDF-format.