## page was renamed from computerLaTeX
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= LaTeX =
 * [[computerLatexOther|Miscellaneous documentation (pdf)]]
 * [[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX|LaTeX Wikibook]]
 * [[computerLatexLocal|LaTeX at Automatic Control]]
 * [[computerLatexStdPack|LaTeX, standard packages]]
 * [[computerLatexOtherPack|LaTeX, other external packages]]
 * [[computerLatexBeamer|Beamer -- video presentations]]
 * [[computerLatexBook|LaTeX-files for large documents]]
 * [[attachment:latexkurs.pdf|LaTeX-course 2003-09-08]]
 * [[http://www.control.lth.se/intern/dator/latex/latex2rtf.html|Converting LaTeX to Word (via RTF)]]
 * [[computerBlockDiagram|Anton's block diagrams in xfig/eps-format]]
 * [[BlockDiagrams|Block diagrams in tikz format]]
 * [[MarginProblemPaperPlaza|Problems with margins in PaperPlaza and other pdf upload services]]
 * [[EmbeddingFontsPDF|Embedding all fonts in pdf]]
 * [[SvenskaTecken|Svenska tecken i LaTeX]]
 * [[Matlab2tikz|Pretty graphics using Matlab2tikz]]
 * [[http://detexify.kirelabs.org|Detexify -- An inverse symbol lookup tool (draw what you're looking for!)]]