## page was renamed from LeifAndersson/Computer/Latex/Optimization #acl Known:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read == Formatting Optimization Problems == Put the following lines in the head of your document, i.e. between `\documentclass{xxx}` and `\begin{document}`. The package `mathtools` is an extension of `amsmath`, and may be of interest independently of optimization problems. {{{ \usepackage{mathtools} \newcommand*{\optMinMax}[2]{\underset{\vphantom{A}\displaystyle\mathclap{#1}}% {\text{#2}}\quad} \newcommand{\optmin}[1]{\optMinMax{#1}{minimize}} \newcommand{\optmax}[1]{\optMinMax{#1}{maximize}} \newcommand*{\subject}{\text{subject to}\quad} \newcommand*{\tagthis}{\stepcounter{equation}\tag{\theequation}} }}} This is a simple optimization. Note that the equation number is put at the expression to be minimized, using the command `\tagthis`. For other numbering patterns, see below. {{attachment:optim1.png}} {{{ \begin{align*}\label{eq:QP} \optmin{x} &\dfrac{1}{2}x^THx + f^Tx \tagthis \\ \subject & Ax \leq b \\ &A_{\text{eq}}x = b_{\text{eq}} \end{align*} }}} {{attachment:optim2.png}} {{{ \begin{align*}\label{Eq:Ign_Opt} \optmin{\begin{matrix}\Delta\bm{\theta}_{\mathrm{SOI}},\Delta \theta_{\mathrm{HP}},\\ \Delta \theta_{\mathrm{LP}},\Delta\theta_{\mathrm{Hot}}\end{matrix}} &\sum_{k=1}^{H_p}\biggl(\omega_1||r_{\theta_{50}}(k)-\bm{\theta}_{50}(k)||^2_2 + \omega_2 ||r_{\tau}(k)-\bm{\tau}(k)||^2_2 \\[-7mm] & \hphantom{\sum} \quad + \omega_3 \theta_{\mathrm{HP}}(k)^2 + \omega_4 \theta_{\mathrm{LP}}(k)^2\biggl) + \cdots \tagthis\\ \subject & l_b \leq \begin{pmatrix} \bm{\theta}_{\mathrm{SOI}} \\ \theta_{\mathrm{Hot}} \\ \theta_{\mathrm{HP}} \\ \theta_{\mathrm{LP}} \end{pmatrix} \leq u_b \\ & \text{other conditions} \end{align*} }}} {{attachment:optim3.png}} {{{latex \begin{alignat*}{2}\label{Eq:opt1} \optmin{\mathbf{u}_1 , \dots , \mathbf{u}_{H_p}} & \sum_{k=1}^{H_p} J_{m_f}(k) + J_{p_{\text{IMEP}}}(k) + J_{\Delta u}(k) \hspace*{-40mm} &&\tagthis\\ \subject & p_k \leq c_{p_{\text{max} }} &&\forall\theta,\;k = 1, \ldots, H_p \\ & dp/d\theta_k \leq c_{dp_{\text{max}}} &\quad& \forall\theta,\; k = 1, \ldots, H_p \\ & \text{NO}_{x}(k) \leq c_{\text{NO}_x} && k = 1, \ldots, H_p \\ & T_{\text{ex}}(k) \geq c_{T_{\text{ex} }} &&k = 1, \ldots, H_p^{T_{\text{ex}}} \\ & \mathbf{u}(k) \in \mathbb{U} &&k = 1, \ldots, H_p. \end{alignat*} latex}}}