## page was renamed from computerLatexBeamer #acl Known:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read ##Ask Leif if you don't know what the acl line means = Presentations with Beamer = ''Beamer'' is an advanced package for presentations. The original documentation is available with the command {{{texdoc beamer}}} in a terminal window. The design of the presentation is controlled by ''themes''. Apart from the many standard themes, there is a local theme for Automatic Control. [[attachment:beamerExample.pdf|See the example using this theme|&do=get]] It is selected with {{{\usetheme{Regler}}}} in the document preamble. The default version does not show frame numbers or navigation symbols. To get these use one or both options: {{{\usetheme[framenumbers,navigationsymbols]{Regler} }}} To create the [[attachment:beamerExampleeight.pdf|presentation handout|&do=get]], use the command || {{{eightbeamerpdf beamerExample}}}|| if you use pdflatex|| ||{{{eightbeamerlua beamerExample}}}|| if you use lualatex|| ||{{{eightbeamerdvi beamerExample}}}|| if you use latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf|| A file with the name {{{beamerExampleeight.pdf}}} with eight images per page will be generated. Note that the command uses the {{{.tex}}}-file and not {{{.ps}}} or {{{.pdf}}} The beginning of the tex file that created the example: {{{ \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Regler} %% %% Some tikz statements come here %% \begin{document} \title[Nonlinear Control and Servo Systems]{Nonlinear Control\\ and Servo Systems} \subtitle{Lecture 2} \author{Anders Robertsson} \institute{Dept. of Automatic Control\\Lund Institute of Technology} \maketitle % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{frame}{Today's Goal} To be able to \begin{itemize}\slshape \item prove local and global stability of an equilibrium point through Lyapunov's method \pause \item show stability of a set (for example, a limit cycle) through invariant set theorems \end{itemize} \end{frame} % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{frame}{Material} \begin{itemize} \item Slotine and Li: Chapter~3 \item Lecture notes \end{itemize} \end{frame} ------------------------------------------------------- % etc etc \end{document} }}} The complete files for creating the example document are available in Gitlab: [[https://gitlab.control.lth.se/regler/beamerExample]] The old versions of this theme are still available: * [[attachment:beamerthemelioncorner.pdf|\usetheme[lioncorner]{Regler}|&do=get]] * [[attachment:beamerthemelionheader.pdf|\usetheme[lionheader]{Regler}|&do=get]] * [[attachment:beamerthemelionbackground.pdf|\usetheme[lionbackground]{Regler}|&do=get]] * [[attachment:beamerthemeliontopcorner.pdf|\usetheme[liontopcorner]{Regler}|&do=get]]